Love those who love us , this is the Love of the world .... Love even more to those who don't love us , this is the Love of GOD ...
People name GOD differently , they feel GOD differently ..... no matter what they see , feel ,think of the name .... the GOD is still the same .... and the word GOD maynot be the true name ...
Name is just a word we call , is not really important .. The energy in it that dwell within us is more essential ....
That is the energy of Harmony , Peace , Laughter and Love .....
That energy created us ... is always in us ... we just forget about it .... just like an actor who acted so well and forgotten about his true nature ...., we are in this world acting for a short period , we are in it and not of it ....
We keep searching outwardly for the '' True meaning " .... we keep wanting to grab things from outside of us .... .... the harder we search and grab from outside of us , the more we feel the lost and emptyness ... why ?
The true treasure is within us .... the true meaning is within us ... is always with us .... is the energy that create us , and we are just like the energy ....
The answer .... is ..... ...... YOU are ___ ___ ___...
For those who found the answer , welcome home ... For those who are still searching , dun worry , for soon u will find it .... For those who still wandering , enjoy the tour :) ..... ....