Searching and searching .... everywhere ... asking too much questions and forgotten to be in silence in order to receive the answers ... looking and finding from outside and forgotten the answer is all from within ....
Searching for the ENLIGHTENED TEACHERS .... but forgotten to prepare the ready STUDENT .........
Calling out for everyone .... anyone.... for HELP .... and forgotten the only person that can really help ME is MYSELF .....
I have been quieting down for awhile ... learning , doing counseling and sharing and teaching knowledge to other being , ...
...... ....... ......
When I was young , playing with paper dolls was my favourite pass time .... ... I would dressed it up , gave it a name and character ... everything ..... everything around my dolls I would provide ..... .....
Imagine this thing ...
One day , the paper dolls thought they make everything themselves and start to hold on to everything , ... they start to turn hungry for everything they come in contact with ... to the extent of harming others in order to gain what they want .... they get angry ... and hate everyone whom they think are against them .... .... .... forgotten ... just forgotten ... what they need to do is just so simple ..... stay in Peace , Harmony , Joy and Love , and I will provide everything they need ....
Or sometime the other way round , I played the doll so much that I forgotten my true SELF ....?
Many People are like ( Paper dolls ) or the I .... .... forgotten their True SELF ... and mistaken that I am the dolls I was playing ....
Stop Fighting and Hating , start Loving and Forgiving ... and you can see your TRUE SELF and realise how powerful YOU REALLY ARE ...
Harmony , Peace , Joy and Love always .