Most of us wish to be better , or even the BEST .....
But someone may think that in order the be good , they got to make people "BAD".... Or in order to win , you got to make people loose ...
Making people into enemies and start "fighting" , wasting energy in making people wrong , will not bring one glory , happiness and respect .....
Who and what are we really " fighting " for ........ ?
If we so called "WIN" ..... what is the price or prize we are getting .... ?
The real one challenge we are handling is our EGO , not by " fighting " ..... but by accepting and balancing ..... through love and kindness ....
If you are pressing someone down , you got to stay low too .....
So , the true person to " WIN " is our own SELF .... the way to move up is by aiming to pull people up ..... if the mindset is pulling people up then one got to move up and stay ahead , STOP " fighting " .... START " HELPING ".....
With LOVE always...