1. You feel them . Do u ever have this encounter before ?
When you are alone and feeling down .... suddenly , you sense a cool breeze and a calm feeling surrounding you .... I feel that is angels keeping you company ...
2. You see them in human form .... sometime ... when you see someone who is simple and full of loving kindess . Simple things will make them happy and contented , stress and worry is never exist in their world ( or seldom exist ) ... I am quite sure that person is an angel . But when that person starts to change into the opposite ..... he / she will lost the angel in them .
If you are an Angel ..... keep it . Don't loose the Angel in you .
Angel ...... to me is a calm and peaceful energy , it is align with our " Spirit Compass " always pointing the the direction of peace , love and Joy .... nothing can go wrong when this form of energy is present .
Everyone has angels surrounding them and even in them . Just that most of the time we are too stressed up ... too worry .... too negative ... to be aware . I believe that most of the time the energy with the similar frequence attract one another ....
Once we are able to keep calm , peace and happy , we will be able to attract them in form and formless .... and we will be able the bring out " Our Angel in us "..