Do we really have 3 ''elements '' in us .. ?
Are they separated ?
What happen if they are separated ?
How are they separated ?
How to bring them back to '' ONENESS '' .. ?
My answer : ..... to all indiviual , whatever one believe is always right and will always be true in his / her view .. until a time when that belief does not serve their purpose and empower them anymore , then they will move on to search for another new belief ....
so choose whatever '' EMPOWER '' u and let u have '' PEACE '' in you ..
'' When the student is ready the teachers will appear ...''
Presently my opinion to my friend's question ....
Yes , I feel that we do have different elements in our body ... '' mind '' and ''soul'' are with it ....
Try this test and feel it yourself .... get quiet down , close your eyes and think of nothing at all , can u do that ? ... Most of the time the answer is not easy ... impossible ...why is it so ? ... It seem that our mind has a mind of itself ...
And most of the time it is either hanging in the PAST not FORGIVING it or Shooting too fast into the future WORRYING about it .... and most of the time getting CONFUSED in the ''NOW'' and wasting it away ...
To our Past ... is History .... it is for us to learn from in and grow wiser , nothing can be forgotten .... but it can be forgiven and learn from it... Forgive all so called '' bad experiences '' all people involved in it and most importantly , we got to forgive ourselves ... That is how we move our 1st step to a better future ..
To our Furture .... is Mystery ... I always like to use this example - the sea is made up of drops of water ... the beach is made up of bits of sand .... Our future is made up of every second of '' NOW " ..... so we really got to cherish every single second '' NOW '' and live cheerfully and peacefully ... I believe if one live every second of '' NOW '' well , he/she should have a very high chance of having a good '' FUTURE '' , comparing to one who spend the '' NOW " unwisely ...
* To move to our PAST and view our so called '' Bad experiences '' and start to learn and forgive it .... I suggest one get an experienced '' Spiritual Counselor '' , to guide through the whole process ...
At this moment, I will the following description ... ...
Our body consists of many organs and limbs ... etc - It is like a huge ''satelite station'' .... It sends and receives signals and information .
In the station there are 2 major operators .... 1- Mind and 2- Soul .... Our quality of our life is depending on which operator is '' Incharge '' of disgesting and '' sending out'' the information ..
Most of the time our ''mind'' feel that it is stand-alone and separated from everything around it, so it must fight with others , it must prove its presence , it must keep something to itself , it is always '' Hungry '' and will never satisfy ..... most of the time people called it the EGO ... and most of the time it bring forth wars , sadness , anger .... to us and the being around us .
But , I feel that it is not so .... all our '' Mind'' is always connected to everything around us .... we are able to sense all things ... most of the time it is called the '' Sixth sense '' ..... but bcos of its character ... it is always in a '' confused state '' . So only on and off we are able to receive signal from other beings . And sometime we even receiving the '' wrong '' signal or we decode it '' wrongly ...''
From time to time we will hear people saying ... we got to have a STRONG mind !!! '' ... What is that ?
To me , it means a CLEAR mind , not confused in the PAST ... not WORRYING about the FUTURE ... able to be '' STILL'' , living in the '' NOW'' and always being led or always working '' hand in hand with the SOUL ...
What is SOUL ?
We called it in a lot of different names ... Spirit ... deep inner self .. angle within us ... Holy Ghost .... ..... our true ENERGY ... ...
What is it name ... is not so important .. Where it directs us , is our main concern . It will always points us to the direction of PEACE , LOVE and JOY ..
LOVE - what I mean is unconditional LOVE .... a lot of time we called TRUE LOVE ... All ''GREAT spiritual teachers'' talked about it , but most of us can't really feel it , give it and have it , bcos most of the time we are being guided and led by our EGO mind ...
TRUE LOVE is from the energy of our so called ''SOURCE'' .... Energy that give life to everything , and make all nature serve us without asking anything in return ...
LOVE is Forgiving ... LOVE is for - giving ...
hey.i'm here to tag.try to update everyday! see you soon.
by the way joycelyn here
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