Most of us wish to be better , or even the BEST .....
But someone may think that in order the be good , they got to make people "BAD".... Or in order to win , you got to make people loose ...
Making people into enemies and start "fighting" , wasting energy in making people wrong , will not bring one glory , happiness and respect .....
Who and what are we really " fighting " for ........ ?
If we so called "WIN" ..... what is the price or prize we are getting .... ?
The real one challenge we are handling is our EGO , not by " fighting " ..... but by accepting and balancing ..... through love and kindness ....
If you are pressing someone down , you got to stay low too .....
So , the true person to " WIN " is our own SELF .... the way to move up is by aiming to pull people up ..... if the mindset is pulling people up then one got to move up and stay ahead , STOP " fighting " .... START " HELPING ".....
With LOVE always...
A place where Spiritual Growth , Martial Art , Personal Protection , Fitness and Beauty combining into ONE by ZACKIEE
Monday, August 3, 2009
Monday, June 22, 2009
A peaceful mind ....

Most of the people trying hard to have a positive mind ...... I did put in a lot of effort for a very long time for that .... but sometime the harder I tried , the further the goal walked away from me...
Now, I understand it is easier to achieve a peaceful mind and the feeling is very pleasant..... than trying so hard to be positive when things don't appear to be the way we want it to be ....
Example : When you be good and care for people , but they still make you wrong ..... It is really hard to think and to be positive during this situation.... But if you truly done your best for the good of others , then your heart should be calm and at peace .... and there is no need to try to defend anything at all ...
'' If you are wrong you don't have the right to be angry , if you are right you don't need to be angry ''....
At the End of the day as long as we have done our best toward those people , we should only have peace in our heart .... and that is enough ....
A truely peaceful heart is the only thing we can bring with us at the end of our life joureny ......
:) ..... .....
Monday, June 8, 2009
Train well , eat well , rest well ,feel well and live well..
Train well but don't over do it .... training should be fun and challenging , slowly make it a habit and let it last forever . Grow ... keep it growing , one of the Universal law - '' Thing which is not growing will start to die ..."
Eat well , have a balance diet , if you are training very hard then you got to take good supplement for growth and recovery .... Drink plenty of clean water througout the day :) ... Eat at the right time will helps a lot ... Breakfast , first meal of the day ...
1- Clean water ( your body has not been hydrated for more than 7 hours )....
2- Light and easy to digest food ( just to warm up our body system )
10-12pm EAT THE BEST MEAL of the day !!!!! Our digestive system is at it peak during this period , eat well and your body will absord better .
Have a good habit while eating ... Be FOCUS !!! Be SILENT !!!!!
drink only a bit of warm drink during meal ... and remember FRUIT before FOOD .....
Rest well - Best time to sleep 10pm - 2am , body will enter its detox and cleansing period .... Try to sleep early :)
Feel good - Try not to judge anyone , any situation .... thats include yourself :) .... Be kind to everyone and you too :)
Our body rebuild and grow better when we are able to live and rest well :) .... Cheer up and live a good live ...
Love yourself !
LOVE .... PEACE ... :p
Monday, May 25, 2009
Don't look back ...

Don't look back if your aim is to move forward ...... One of the reason a person can't improve spiritually is due to the habit of keep looking BACKWARD ... Example - Driving - if you want to drive forward , don't keep stepping on the brake or keep switching to the reverse gear ...
The main aim one going for spiritual counselling and looking for a spiritual coach or reading books is to ADVANCE - moving forward spiritually , normally if a counselor facing such a case and asking me for advice , my suggestion will be - stop coaching and counselling the case and just let him or her be .... '' Why " ????? Because that person is not really ready or even wish to step forward ...
WHO will be ready for that ????
When the really ready student is ready , the teacher will appear ....
Nobody coach and counsel Buddha and Jesus .... they just TRUELY WANTING to be wise and consciously aware ..... and They just become ENLIGHTENED ..
The truth is if a person really really really really DESIRE for something so sincerely ...... he will never fail ..... At least SPIRITUALLY never FAIL .....
Why a person can't step up firmly ??
1. self doubt
When the person is having the above 4 factors , it is going to be a challenge for him to move forward at all ... no matter who he find , what he does , how many books he read ....... with that 4 factors .... he will be almost certainly not going to moving up spiritually ...
How to get rid of the 4 factors ?
The only person that can help us is not GOD .... not Jesus .... not Buddha ..... ........
IS OURSELVE !!!!!! YES !!!!! OURSELVE !!!!!!!!! FAITH , PEACE , HARMONY , JOY and LOVE ( The SPIRITUAL energy ) is only TRUE , and can TRUELY come TRUE to us when we are able to give it to ourselve .... If one is going to wait for someone or something or some special moment to happen in order to experience them .... then'' They'' are really FAR AWAY from that person ....
If a person can't find God in everywhere , in every person , in everything , at every moment ....... that person can't find GOD anywhere ...
What is GOD ????.... - The forever and ever lasting energy of Harmany , Peace , Joy and Love ....
Friday, May 15, 2009
One of The Universe Law : To Heal .....

To Heal ..... Look around or .... look into ourselve for The Law of The Universe ... To Heal ... Healing ... Forgiving is one of them ....
A so-called healthy human body once it gets a cut , the first thing the body react is to get it healed , and make it strong , or even STRONGER .... all the scar and injuries when it healed , it become stronger ..
If we wish to understand the way to live life well , we got to know the Universal Law , flow with it , in it , so we can flow through that energy and to manifest what we want ....
If a person go against it .... :-
1. Imagine this , you got a cut and you refuse to let it heal up , you keep forcing the scar to open up , keep tearing it apart ..... soon the injured part will get infected .... ( That is the warning sign ) ... if you keep not letting the healing to ocurr ....... soon and soon .... the infection will take the part of your body away , and even your life ....
2. Training our body is the same , as we exercise , parts of our muscle will tear , that is the sign to tell us to rest and let HEALING and BUILDING take place .... people who go against the Law will soon suffer injuries and weakness in their body ..... even they may have the delusion of becoming stronger for a short while .... soon ...soon ... they will see the truth ...
Yes ... To heal ... To forgive and be stronger , wiser .... is one of the UNIVERSE LAW ... comply with it and it will make us STRONGER ...
For Love .. For Martial Art ..

Martial Art was formed for Love ... Yes ... To train up our body , mind and soul , to make it stronger , that's from the Heart of Love ....
Martial Art was formed for defence the weaker people , to take care and help the weaker parties , was an act of Love ... * Not by hurting the attacker , is by defencing ...
The True essences for the purpose of Martial Art is Love ....
Due to the EGO of mankind , they turned it into violence and a form of EGOISTIC way to prove to other that they are better ... by hurting others , by making other feel weak and useless ....
To kill , to fight is the natural instinct of animals - Human being has the gift as well .... Nobody is require to learn from a Master for that reasons ......
The true reasons for practicing the WAY :
1. For the LOVE of mankind , including yourself ..
2. Respect
3. Self control , discipline ...
Many old Masters learned that until they were very old .... we don't have to wait till then ..... we can start it NOW .....
If we wish to learn the RIGHT way , our way of perceiving it must be RIGHT ....
Tuesday, May 12, 2009
Accepting Change ... be in Peace ..

Everything in this Universe is ever changing , ever moving ..... we are part of the Universe , be unify with Her and be in Harmony in it .. UNI - VERSE ... ONE SONG ...
I was jogging and the leftover body of an insect which had just tranformed into something else caught my attention .... Yes , everything changes and transform , even an insect understand and flow through it with peace .
Can you imagine if the insect refused to change and accept things as it is .... Do you think it will survive ?.....
There are people who refuse to accept change , and insist life as it should be ... resisting of the Law of the Universe will cause unneccesary suffering ... try to look into the mirror , nothing stays , everything is different , even our body cells keep changing every second ...
Don't resist change , flow through it with peace and harmony ... look for opportunities to make the best out of it , think and do things that empower you ...
Live with PASSION !!! And LOVE !!!
Tuesday, April 28, 2009
Long long time ........
Searching and searching .... everywhere ... asking too much questions and forgotten to be in silence in order to receive the answers ... looking and finding from outside and forgotten the answer is all from within ....
Searching for the ENLIGHTENED TEACHERS .... but forgotten to prepare the ready STUDENT .........
Calling out for everyone .... anyone.... for HELP .... and forgotten the only person that can really help ME is MYSELF .....
I have been quieting down for awhile ... learning , doing counseling and sharing and teaching knowledge to other being , ...
...... ....... ......
When I was young , playing with paper dolls was my favourite pass time .... ... I would dressed it up , gave it a name and character ... everything ..... everything around my dolls I would provide ..... .....
Imagine this thing ...
One day , the paper dolls thought they make everything themselves and start to hold on to everything , ... they start to turn hungry for everything they come in contact with ... to the extent of harming others in order to gain what they want .... they get angry ... and hate everyone whom they think are against them .... .... .... forgotten ... just forgotten ... what they need to do is just so simple ..... stay in Peace , Harmony , Joy and Love , and I will provide everything they need ....
Or sometime the other way round , I played the doll so much that I forgotten my true SELF ....?
Many People are like ( Paper dolls ) or the I .... .... forgotten their True SELF ... and mistaken that I am the dolls I was playing ....
Stop Fighting and Hating , start Loving and Forgiving ... and you can see your TRUE SELF and realise how powerful YOU REALLY ARE ...
Harmony , Peace , Joy and Love always .
Thursday, March 19, 2009
Pour away and refill ....

Love those who love us , this is the Love of the world .... Love even more to those who don't love us , this is the Love of GOD ...
People name GOD differently , they feel GOD differently ..... no matter what they see , feel ,think of the name .... the GOD is still the same .... and the word GOD maynot be the true name ...
Name is just a word we call , is not really important .. The energy in it that dwell within us is more essential ....
That is the energy of Harmony , Peace , Laughter and Love .....
That energy created us ... is always in us ... we just forget about it .... just like an actor who acted so well and forgotten about his true nature ...., we are in this world acting for a short period , we are in it and not of it ....
We keep searching outwardly for the '' True meaning " .... we keep wanting to grab things from outside of us .... .... the harder we search and grab from outside of us , the more we feel the lost and emptyness ... why ?
The true treasure is within us .... the true meaning is within us ... is always with us .... is the energy that create us , and we are just like the energy ....
The answer .... is ..... ...... YOU are ___ ___ ___...
For those who found the answer , welcome home ... For those who are still searching , dun worry , for soon u will find it .... For those who still wandering , enjoy the tour :) ..... ....
Thursday, February 19, 2009
Slow yourself down ... ....

Speed and competition stress people up ...Why are we rushing ? Who or what are we actually fighting for ?.... Can we really get what we want happily by fighting or stressing ...?
People ask me , why I am don't seem to worry about the future ? Why am I not planning for it and prepare for the worst ? ....
1. Future = to many '' NOW " adding together .... if you spend all the NOW worrying and living in fear , then what you are getting is a FUTURE full of worries and fear ..
2.Planning is not equal to worrying ..... Planning is looking ahead , understand your next move ....
3. Good planning = to 100% positive thought .... and leave no room for negative thinking ... Try not to think and live in " WHAT IF ?" .... because the " WHAT IF ?" will normally come true ...
Slow down , view our life and listen to our heart closely ... spend more quiet time with ourselve in the nature , soon we may notice the " better meaning of living '' ....
Friday, February 6, 2009
Content not control ....

Is life really a suffering ?
To me life is not a form of suffering at all , it is a form of privilage for enjoyment of learning ... Many human trying so hard to become a spiritual being .... , to me , we are actually a spritual being experiencing and learning human experiences ..
Human body is like an air plane with 3 pilots in it , - Mind , Body and Soul .... which one is sitting on the main seat directing and flying the plane will determine your life experience , and the veiw point you see and feel your life now ..
Life is not a suffering at all , is a person view point and perception of life that make it different ..
Example : I saw a people who are not financial rich and a body which is not healthy laugh out with joy and moving around helping others ... I saw people who are financial rich and healthy complaining life never treat them well and they are angry most of the time ....
The quality of life is not from the ''outer'' .... but the ''inner '' ....
Is it alright to want and get things in life , but is the craving and the desire to control it which cause the SUFFERING .......
This is the universe that we can't control from the '' outer '' .... This is the universe we that we can feel content and be grateful from '' inner '' ...
Life is GREAT !!!! Learn it WELL !!!!
Saturday, January 17, 2009
Let people select their path themselve ....

Nobody can help anybody unless that somebody is going to help themselve .....
Living and experiencing life is a choice ... how a person wish to live his or her life no one can interfere .....
Why people want to do " Things which are not right and cause trouble to themselve ... " ?
My answer is simple .... there maybe a lack of LOVE in that person somewhere somehow , if you love yourself and you really love the world you will never want to create trouble to them .....
And only when a person who know how to love himself or herself , know how to love others ....
If you are doing something not right and may cause trouble to others ..... hold on and ask yourself why are you doing that and do you really love yourself ...
Be loving and pass the love around .... Don't do things that hurt the world .... And actually you are part of the World ...
Living and experiencing life is a choice ... how a person wish to live his or her life no one can interfere .....
Why people want to do " Things which are not right and cause trouble to themselve ... " ?
My answer is simple .... there maybe a lack of LOVE in that person somewhere somehow , if you love yourself and you really love the world you will never want to create trouble to them .....
And only when a person who know how to love himself or herself , know how to love others ....
If you are doing something not right and may cause trouble to others ..... hold on and ask yourself why are you doing that and do you really love yourself ...
Be loving and pass the love around .... Don't do things that hurt the world .... And actually you are part of the World ...
Wednesday, January 7, 2009
Let '' WEALTH " grow on you ...

How to attract the " $ " I need .. ?
This is one of the main reasons why people came and look for me for assistance ...
1. Understand what is your ACTUAL veiw toward money ..
Example : " A " work very hard to earn money , and he just can't keep them ..... during the counseling session , we understand that deep within him he was repeated told that money is the root of evil and sin ..... '' No one want to be the bad guy , with that belief it was totally impossible for him to build wealth .
After we went through the process of clearing the negative energy and replace the positive energy , he veiw and belief changed , from then " A " was able to earn up to 4 times of his former salary ..
2. What and how a person speaks to himself regarding about this topic ? .... Human always talk to themselve , be it in words or thoughts - that is a form on self affirmation ...
Check is it positive ?
The more you think that you are lack of it .... the more you will lose it ... What a person constantly think of will " EXPAND " ...
Wealth is a form of energy field too .... Energy react and attract to Energy ....
Next time when you know a wealthy person , observe and try to understand what is his true belief regarding about being wealthy...
Wish u well ... ;)
Sunday, January 4, 2009
No one can help you .....

A lot of people ask me," can I help this person for this and that ? " .... ... The answer is ,'' Yes , if the person is willing to help and believe in self too ...''
My ability to assist my clients to change their destiny come from the faith of my cilents ... and their believe in themselve and me ....
No one and No thing can help anyone if that anyone don't really want to help themselve .....
Suffering come from negative emotion such as : guilt , anger , resentment .... they will cause one to attract and create accident , illness and bad situation toward self ... no one can assist that person , because that is a self punishment ... certain people do it consciously ... YES ! I mean they do it consciously .... but most people are unconsciously doing it ...
This is a inter-dependence world .... ..... but the first move got to be initiated by self and constant effort got to be applied in order the let the new BELIEF take over .... ....
Belief give birth to Thought , Thought give birth to Action , Action give birth to DESTINY ....... ......
What belief are you carrying with you ? Does it serve you well ? Or it is cause you to " suffer '' ... ?
Is life a KARMA ? Or is it a DRAMA ?.... ....
If you are willing to help yourself , then soon you will find the way .. Or the way will find you ...
Wish you WELL ....
Friday, January 2, 2009
The truth on being positive ...

Being positive not just in the '' NOW '' ...... ..... consciously and constantly we need to clear the PAST negative thoughts and energy as well : - So that the negative energy from the past will not attract the similar events into our '' NOW ''.... and FUTURE ....
Our mind is like a magnet .... and a lot of us believe and experienced that we happened to be living lives many times .... our body dies , but our mind never .... The mind remember the experience of all events , sometime it get confused ... ( spiritual counseling is advised , during this moment )
Once the mind think and feel , the mind starts to create and attract the similar energy to Him or Her .....
Can the mind be 100% positive ? Can you clear all negative experiences and energy from the past .... the PAST ... ? If you can ,that will be great !!!!! I believe during that moment no '' bad things '' will happen to you ....
If not , things will still be moving a little bit up and down , high and low ..... a good mental condition will be able to stay calm and see opportunities during the period of challenges .
Positive mindset doesn't mean will never have any challenges in life , it does mean that you will be dealing with it calmly , a better result and experience will definately follow.
Live well in every single " NOW " .... at the same time Forgive and learn from the ''PAST ''experiences .... with that your '' FUTURE '' will be even more fun to experience .
Wish you well . LOVE always ..........
Being positive the right way ...

How to be positive the right way ? ..... How it will go wrong ? ....
Case 1 : " A " had a choice to choose not to go to an " unstable " country for tour , but he did , went his friend ask him why he did that , his answere was , " Teacher said we got to be positive always ... "
I did susgested people to be positive always , think , speak , listen and observe the positive angle of all situation ... , but I never susgest anyone to put their faith and belief to test .... If there is a choice we will always choose to be safe , then sorry .
Example : - In my special force days , I was required to deal with very powerful explosive under minium safety measure , we need to do that because it was the only option during operation . For that situation , I must be always positive and leave no room for nonsense .... I have no choice ... If I could choose I will never want to touch an explosive at all ....
We must not live in fear . But never put ourselve in a risky situation and try to think calm ....
Be positive the " positive'' way .
Thursday, January 1, 2009
Are you living your own life ?

In this world , there are a lot of us living the lives of the one we missed , we love or even hated intentionally and unintentionally ....
What we constantly focus on will expand .... and condition our mind to it ...
If you find yourself having the same experiences or even same fate as your close family member and you wish to get out of it , don't wait too long ... Get a good spiritual counselor to assist you to move out of that person's shadow .
Is good to respect and love someone , but do remember to lead your own life . Don't waste your life away by living someone else life .
Wish you well in Year 2009 . Love always ...
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