One of the most commonly asked questions when counseling .... " WHO AM I ? ''
Many times people complaint that no one around them truely understand and know them, but when I asked them : '' so Who are you ? Do you really understand yourself ? ''....
That person will turned into silent and wordless .....
Even we are living sooooooooo long with this energy we call ourselve and yet we don't truly understand him or her at all, then how do we expect people around to understand us ?
Then how normally we explain this word '' ourselve '' ..... - our past experiences, our relatives and friends....... our belief .... ..... . when we gather all these information we explain the word '' ourselve ''...... but that is just the above mentioned info.... or even just the info of this life ..... how about our many many pervious lives ...... how about the SELF who is living else where now ..?
We are energy being and everything in this Universe is Energy .... Energy attracts ... affect .... changes .... everytime .....
If you are coming to explain the word by using those info then please choose your choices that affecting you wisely . Check who are you with always ? who are you listening to .... who are you following ? ..... ( Funny right end of the day you will find out that you are all the adding up of your experiences and beliefs ) .... Good thing is you have your choice to choose ..... The other hand is " Is that really YOU ?''
Since we can't really answer who we really are . So maybe that question should be rephased as " Who do I want to be ? ''
Choose that answer properly .... Find the way that you can know who you really are ..... get in touch with your true SELF ..., don't live in the dream , wake up and be truly happy always :)
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