Everyday has the same hours ... same minutes and seconds ..... .... Same day and same night .... but people named a certain days different names and expect people to behave differently.... and got to treat certain group of people very nice ... example .... Mother's day ... Father's days .... Children day , Teacher's day ..... they are expected to treat their mother , father , teachers and kids very good .... bring them out .. eat good meal.... buy things for them and make them happy ....
They named certain days for certain religion and wanted people to behave super holy and love the GOD they trust ....
If you really love those people ... if you really love your GOD ..... treat every single moment a special moment ..... .... don't wait till a so called special day to make that person feel special .... ....
Don't wait for that special day ..... ..... if you really have special feeling with the people around you , every moment is SPECIAL ..... there is NO need for a special day to let that person feel SPECIAL .... If there is a need for that SPECIAL day ... that person is not really a special person in your life ....
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