Life cycle is like water running in the stream , it runs toward the big ocean .... it must be always in constant moving flow , changing form after form '' liquid to vapour in the air and liquid back to earth '' moving in a circle ... even when we don't see it , it is around us ....
If one treated an experience as bad and refused to learn and forgive , it will be like a clog of sand blocking the flow , and will keep blocking the same sands and rocks till the stream stop to flow and form a still dirty pond ..... the pond will be there years after years .... until one day a mini crack cut through it and slowly flow through bit by bit constantly to remove those sands and rocks ..... and soon the stream will flow freely again in the the big open ocean .....
If a person refuse to learn and forgive a life experience the negative energy will soon start to clog up the life flow and attract the similar experience again and again ( no matter how far you try to escape ..no matter how much you try to change outside your life...the experience will reform itself infront of you , reason is because the so called negative energy is actually within us ... so the realization got to be from there as well ..)... aches , pains ,diseases , accidents ...are actually an alarm system that trying to wake us up to learn and unclog the flow ... Teachers and counsellors can only lead us there ... we are the one who must use our energy flow to unclog it bit by bit . - Unclogging means learning from the experience with positive mind set , and get the wisdom out from it ... ( Just like the disease we called cancer ... is build up in this manner ... is from within .... yet people try so hard to find doctors to treat from the outside ... and always what the doctors tell them is that the disease is INCURABLE .... Yes and they are RIGHT !!!!! From outside they can't do much ..... Only the person who build and create it from within can undo it FROM WITHIN !!!!!!!!!!!! ) ...
How about we die ? Will death stop the experience .. ?
I don't think so .... liquid will become vapour in the air and soon turn into rain and rain drops fall back into the clogged dirty still pond and to experience the process again ... Only when one awakened and willingly learn and forgive the matter and send it away with positive energy , till then wisdom will be learnt and the flow will be moving into the big blue ocean again....
Take time to quiet down and look closely and deeply within ourselves ... how many still dirty ponds are there in our heart ... and when are we ready to unclog it ? .... Try to start slowly and take a step at a time .... don't worry because TIME is what we have and is FOREVER ......... we will always come back in other lives to unclog it ....
............... ALL is well and always will be ..............
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