Thursday, August 28, 2008

U believe in " Angel " ?

I do believe in " Angels " .... they are in 2 forms ...

1. You feel them . Do u ever have this encounter before ?
When you are alone and feeling down .... suddenly , you sense a cool breeze and a calm feeling surrounding you .... I feel that is angels keeping you company ...

2. You see them in human form .... sometime ... when you see someone who is simple and full of loving kindess . Simple things will make them happy and contented , stress and worry is never exist in their world ( or seldom exist ) ... I am quite sure that person is an angel . But when that person starts to change into the opposite ..... he / she will lost the angel in them .

If you are an Angel ..... keep it . Don't loose the Angel in you .

Angel ...... to me is a calm and peaceful energy , it is align with our " Spirit Compass " always pointing the the direction of peace , love and Joy .... nothing can go wrong when this form of energy is present .

Everyone has angels surrounding them and even in them . Just that most of the time we are too stressed up ... too worry .... too negative ... to be aware . I believe that most of the time the energy with the similar frequence attract one another ....

Once we are able to keep calm , peace and happy , we will be able to attract them in form and formless .... and we will be able the bring out " Our Angel in us "..

Wednesday, August 20, 2008

What is Spiritual Counseling

What is Spiritual Counseling ?

People always say that , ..... Body ... Mind .... Soul " Spirit " ....

Body consist of our organs ..... bone ... etc .... etc .....

Mind is how we think and see things ..... our thought .... and it is always affected by 1. Friends , 2.Significant others , 3. Parents , 4. Our personal experiences and how we interpret it ....

I personally feel that the mind has a " Mind " of itself .... do you ever keep thinking of something and you are so disturbed by it , till you tell yourself to stop .... but it still keep poping out ?

Soul - " Spirit " ...there are so many names given to it ... is something there " in us " .... similar to our "Source" , always present , calm . And it's compass always pointing to " PEACE and JOY " .....

The 3 elements are connected in a certain way and sometime disconnected ..... When the " disconnection " happened is just like 1 person is being split into 3 portions..... that is really " NOT a GOOD " feeling ...

Spiritual Counseling is not based on any religion ..... because no matter who you are , where you are from , what you do ....... Peace and Joy is where your compass always pointing .. When it is out of alignment , we get confused , things get messed up ....

I have many cases that come to me due to " Ghostly matter " ..... As mentioned in our previous discussion, " Ghost " is just the " unrest Spirit " .... just like you and me their compass require to get aligned , and when it is done , they will move on .

Spiritual Counselor is someone who assist people to align their " Spiritual Compass " back in place .

To be continue ...

Money problem ?

$ problem ? ......

How to attract wealth into our life ?

Wealth .... will be attracted to someone who have " Wealthy Thought " .... someone who truly feel that abundance is always there .... The feeling of '' Lack " will destroy it ...

Search through your mind ..... do you have the thought of " Lack " in any form or hiding somewhere? - Get a good Spiritual Counselor if you are unable to do it yourself .

Your destiny depends on your thought .......

How do you think depends on 1. Your friends , 2. your significant other , 3. Your family , 4. Your past experience and the way you solve and interpret them ...

So ... certain of the above mentioned is your own choice , that we are able to choose , so choose them well ..

Monday, August 18, 2008

What is the element that caused a fighter turn weak ?

When our mind is strong and in balance , Our body will start to turn stronger and we will do things that will strengthen it .

When our mind turn weak and out of balance ... Our body will turn weak and we will do things that will cause harm to it .....

Negative emotion - Eg , anger , guilt ..... will affect our mind to turn weak and then it will affect our body and everything in it ...... Diseases , illness and even accident will soon follow .

So if wish to be strong , don't just train the body , we got to train up our mind and stay in balance .

Friday, August 15, 2008

Is there " GHOST " around us ????

Different people have different belief .... and they all are RIGHT in their view point ....

I believe that we all have something that is " eternal " in us .... which is similar to our " Source " .. formless ... and live forever ....

Most of us called it " Spirit " .... after our physical body passed on , the " Spirit " move out from it .... However , sometimes due to certain circumstances it refused to move on .... and become the " Spirit" what we human normally named it as ghost ..

To be continued ..

What to look for if you are choosing a Martial Art to protect yourself ?

For me to suggest that :

1 . The art should have certain form of discipline training , to train up a person character to be good and humble . "A Best fight is always a NO FIGHT at all " .... in Self defence .

2. Self defence is about keeping safe and avoid trouble as much as possible . " RUN " away from it is always the 1st option .

3. It should be able to train up the person in Combat Mental and Physical Conditioning , Armed and Unarmed techniques and tactics .

When one wish to learn how the defence against it ... one got to know how it is being applied ...

Example : If one wish to learn how to defence from a choke , then one got to know what elements make a choke effective . Then when defencing against it one just need to stop those elements from taking place .... or just by " breaking off those elements " will be able to let one escape .

To be continue ..........

How to make my face less oily ? ...

Face is the part of our body we use to face the society day in day out .... Our emotion ..... Our inner feeling ....... all is being shown here ....

What is the purpose of the " OIL " on our face ?

1. To give us the "shine " .... shine to catch attention ...

2. To make us look young ...

Why must look young and shine ... ? To catch attention of another party or parties . To attract " LOVE " ..... ( My person view )

So if too much " OIL " is being produced ....... Is just telling that the " longing of LOVE is over flowing ..... " - Please read " Spiritual Compass " .... get it in balance

Check out this : - most of the old people , when they feel that they don't need or unable to attract " LOVE " - MAN and WOMAN type of relationship ... their face start to turn very dry ... dull and not shiny anymore .... This happen to my cases who their view point of " LOVE relationship " is exteremely negative ..... and they even feel and find it HOPELESS ..... - soon that may affect their KINDEYS as well ... we will discuss it next time ...

So everyone want " LOVE " .... Is the over " LUSTING " of it that make us unbalance ... Sort the thinking out properly and the oliy face problem will soon be over ..


So in order to handle that situation ... I sugguest one try to handle the emotion part , and keep it in balance .... " BALANCE " is the key word ... and different people has a different level in their balancing scale ...

How to stay in LOVE ...

This is a very common question ...... HOW TO STAY IN LOVE ????? !!!!

What is LOVE ? .... Different people see it , feel it , look at it differently ....

What is your view point ?

A lot of Spiritual Leaders touched on this topic ..... Spiritual love ... Godly love ..... Does this type of love really exist in this world now ?

I believe so ... but not so many people are able to experience it . When there is a " Right " provider ...... there need to be a " Right " reciever ....

Try this .... close your eyes and relax ... think of this : the " Nature " love us and it provides us a lot of things without asking any thing in return ...

At least we should be happy that we have the LOVE of Nature surrounding you and me ...

There are so many form of version of LOVE people named it ....

For me .. Love is able to share peace and joy with the one close to you .

Will it last forever ?

..... ...... cherish every single moment and live it to the fullest .... ( Nothing really last in this universe ) ....

Be more Forgiving .... nothing can be forgotten but things can be FORGIVEN ... Try to find ways to live in harmony with your close one ...

Set up a good ''communication channel'' for one another Eg . plan at least once a week to get really close and quiet , go and do whatever both really enjoy doing .... take time and interest to understand your love ..... listen and observe ..... create a balance path with your partner .

Do something .... but don't over do it , or else it may cause certain form of " side effort " .. Eg . Love someone is good , but once that person over doing it may turn pocessive and naggy ... that normally will turn someone off ...

Loving someone is able to give him / her peace and joy ....

Thursday, August 14, 2008

Spiritual Compass in you ..

Everybody has a " Spiritual Compass " in us .. Pointing the the direction of " Peace " in everything ..... At times when we go off track , we will get reminder from our body like pain , diseases , injuries and even accident ...

Everything happen in our life come with a reason .... Yes , everything .... as long as we understand what and where our " Compass " is directing us and we follow it , we will live well in this life .

Example : CASE - A person must keep studying abroad in order to avoid going home to stay with his family , he met a girl and fell in love with her ... and now if he study in school it will take away his time to see her ....

So now the CASE is in dilemma. He must decide: 1. keep studying to avoid going home ..... 2. If keep studying will have lesser time for his love .... " CONTRADICTION " ....... - The CASE got serious knee injuries ..

Our legs are what we use to move on to the direction we choose .... For my above mentioned CASE ... the strong contradiction caused him to be unable to move at all ..... so the " Compass " was out of balance , and our part of the body showed the signs ..

My suggestion .. : We can choose what we want without going through the bodily suffering ...One got to be able to talk through and stay in balance by oneself .... but normally , this is quite difficult .... ( Get a Good Counselor to assist you to sort out the thoughts ) A has to balance up the time between studying and the time with his love .... because if he ended up failing his study ... he will soon be ended up back home ... Or if he keep escaping from his school , his love will find him a irresponsible person ...

My personal view ... Time of love is more on quality and not quantity .... if one can have both , then it will be very good ... but if not , my choice will be QUALITY .... No matter how much time we have with our LOVE , live well and cherish every moment . Stay happily and peacefully with one another .

So if you have any pain , injuries or diseases now , check your " Spiritual Compass " ..... for sure there are parts of your life is getting " OUT OF BALANCE " and you are not in peace .

Tuesday, August 12, 2008

The " Right " one ...

1. How to attract and... Who is going to be my " Right " one ?

Jackiie ... : If you are always searching for the " Right " one .... You may be always in the " Wrong " side ..... Or you are created as the " Left " one ... :p ( Kidding )

Man without woman is not complete .... Woman without man is not full ... Everybody needs somebody ..

I always feel that the one we feel close to us " NOW " is always the "Right " one ... even though we don't think so at this moment ...

We grow wiser through experience .... and most of the time it is the " tough " one that make us .

When we have someone beside us and we still thinking of getting the " Right " one .... maybe something is not so right in our mind ....

" Always live well and live to the fullest in the NOW ... " ...

If that is a mistake .. make it the right one ....

Most of the time we are thinking of the " Right " one .... but forgotten to make ourselve " Right " to attract that person ...

And most of the time we don't even know what and how the " Right " one we want should be like ? ....

If you have someone and still feel that person is not " Right " .. Do the following exercise ?

Still down quietly and breathe well .....

Close eyes and be in silent ..

Once we feel calm , then ask this questions ...

1. What kind of character am I having now ?

.... write them down as truthfully as you can ...

Check the list you have written .... and see is the one with you now having the similar character with you ?

There will be normally these few cases ...

1. They maybe sharing the same character with you ....
Example : A enjoy eating , his partner will normally share the same love ..

2. They maybe totally opposite .... when there is strong contradiction in what you are thinking ...
Example : A is a very quiet person , but he wish to be more adventurous ... then maybe A will ended up wilth a person with a total different character with him ...

If we want the " Right " one , we got to know our own character .... and to find out what we really want without any contracdiction ...

And realize this .... sometime the person you are with now , maybe the one who is going to build you better for your future " Right " one ... So cherish every single moment , live it well and the " magic " will show you the way .. .

Saturday, August 9, 2008

Image Enhancement

1. How to use makeup techniques to enhance one eyes ?

Jackiie : I feel that in order to enhance one eyes .... Through spiritual makeup .... One got to understand this - eyes help us to see our world around us , our mind will then " digest " , "filter" and " judge " what we see according to our past experience and our own belief .

Eyes are the part that most of us choose to view our world through our personal perception and reveal our inner world to the outer world ....

Bright eyes are not always big ... Big eyes are not always BRIGHT ... It is the " Energy " that the eyes give out that make the different .

So in order for me to " brighten " a person eyes - 1st step , got to allow one to release the negative feeling and emotion of the past experience , 2nd - to realise the wisdom of the experience , learn from it and forgive those people involved in it , specially himself or herself .

Our inner world will always be projected out through our body .... and our face is a part that will tell quite a large piece of it....

Spiritual makeup starts from DEEP INNER to OUTER ...

Once the DEEP INNER side is being handled , the outer features can be adjusted easily .

Three main pointers for outer features to be enhanced 1. Brows , 2. Eye Liner , 3. Lashes .

Brows - need to be well trimed , neatly drawn , well blended and in good balance with our face shape and size .

Eye liner - Top liner need to be slightly darker and more obvious , lower liner need to be soft and gentle . Both liners require to be well blended too ..

Lashes - Long curved and dark lashes will always make the eyes look better . Fix the false lashes if necessary .

So , if one wish to have a pair of bright eyes , one got to take care of the way we view the world around us . And the ways we view our past experiences .

Friday, August 8, 2008

Image Enhancement

1. What is beautiful in your point of view ?

2. How to make a person become truly beautiful ?

3. Can someone '' ugly '' be turn into someone beautiful by your skill ?

4. Any best makeup products and makeup techniques in the market ?

5. What is your view in '' Plastic surgery '' ?

Makeup ....... I have been in this field for almost 7 years . Initially I focus on using the suitable colors of makeup products, and the suitable techniques to make certain "imperfect" features on a human face less so obvious and to enhance certain feature to create an optical illusion for people around you .

Now , I feel that Image Enhancement is not only beautifying the face , it is far more than that.... is the beauty from top to toes .... from inner to outer ... from SPIRIT to Body .....

I started to coach Spiritual makeup and enhancement around early 2007 .

I believe the true beauty starts from a person TRUE DEEP INNER SELF ... a person with TRUE peace , joy and Love .... will always be the most beautiful one . '' My personal point of view ...

And according to my experiences , client's features , skin texture do look different after they know the methods .

''Ugly'' is just the view point of people and their perception toward certain features and appearances .... To me there are NO UGLY people .... just the unhappy and unforgiving one ...

The BEST makeup products and techniques.... everyone prefer different things with different ingredients and different methods of enhancing their features .... I have no comment on this ... But I do believe that good products must combine with good habits , right techinques and mindset in order to let it work well . And it is always your mind and heart that make them works....

Best techinques ..... no comment .... those method that make you look - CLEAN , NEAT , with natural HEALTHY GLOWING ... is good techniques..

Plastic surgery .... no comment .

The way one wish to look should be one's choice ... as long as they are happy and know what they are doing I feel is ok .. But , if it is all because for the sake of other people opinion ... then that will never end . If someone like or love you because of your '' look '' .... then what happen if one day you lose it .. ? Anyway we all will lose it sooner or later .. Or what if another better looking person comes by ... ?

If one wish to turn an apple into an orange .... one must also work on the inner part of it .... or else it will still end up smelling and tasting like an apple ...

Thursday, August 7, 2008

Personal Protection

Questions from friends ..

1 . How long have u been training martial art ?

2. Is there any different between Personal Protection and Martial Arts ?

3. How many form of Martial Arts are you trained in ?

4. Which one is the BEST .. ?

5. Is it a MUST to learn and know Personal Protection ?

I have been training Martial Art since 13plus year old , that time I was learning Chinese Martial Art and Taekwondo .... I got my 1st black belt in Taekwondo when I was 17 years old ... I started as an assistant instructor then , and promoted to be an instructor around 19 years old .

I am 35 years old .... and I have been training in more then 4 types of Martial Arts ...

Personal Protection is about '' keeping oneself safe and alive '' ... is about taking precaution and to avoid getting into a '' fight '' .... ''an accident ''... '' etc ....

Martial Art - by right it is '' The methods and Tactic for war and combat .. '' By right it should be very comprehensive and complete ... but due to different preference of people , it was separated into different forms , believe .... different focus ....

Some prefer Strikes , some prefer Throws and locks , some prefer weapons .... some using them as sports to compete ... some use them as a tool to train for fitness and self defence , some use it as an Art to appreciate .... so ended up there are many different forms of Arts in the world now ...

Nothing to compare about them .... all depend on what you want and need it for .

Depend on one needs and the level that one wish to attain ... My personal opinion is everyone should learn and know the methods of defending oneself from harm and accident . Its always never too late or too early to know and train in Personal Protection .

Wednesday, August 6, 2008

Listen to your ''heart''.....

My friend asked me , ''Lots of time we heard about people saying we human have '' mind '' ..'' body ''..'' soul ''.... ''

Do we really have 3 ''elements '' in us .. ?

Are they separated ?

What happen if they are separated ?

How are they separated ?

How to bring them back to '' ONENESS '' ..

My answer : ..... to all indiviual , whatever one believe is always right and will always be true in his / her view .. until a time when that belief does not serve their purpose and empower them anymore , then they will move on to search for another new belief ....

so choose whatever '' EMPOWER '' u and let u have '' PEACE '' in you ..

'' When the student is ready the teachers will appear ...''

Presently my opinion to my friend's question ....

Yes , I feel that we do have different elements in our body ... '' mind '' and ''soul'' are with it ....

Try this test and feel it yourself .... get quiet down , close your eyes and think of nothing at all , can u do that ? ... Most of the time the answer is not easy ... impossible ...why is it so ? ... It seem that our mind has a mind of itself ...

And most of the time it is either hanging in the PAST not FORGIVING it or Shooting too fast into the future WORRYING about it .... and most of the time getting CONFUSED in the ''NOW'' and wasting it away ...

To our Past ... is History .... it is for us to learn from in and grow wiser , nothing can be forgotten .... but it can be forgiven and learn from it... Forgive all so called '' bad experiences '' all people involved in it and most importantly , we got to forgive ourselves ... That is how we move our 1st step to a better future ..

To our Furture .... is Mystery ... I always like to use this example - the sea is made up of drops of water ... the beach is made up of bits of sand .... Our future is made up of every second of '' NOW " ..... so we really got to cherish every single second '' NOW '' and live cheerfully and peacefully ... I believe if one live every second of '' NOW '' well , he/she should have a very high chance of having a good '' FUTURE '' , comparing to one who spend the '' NOW " unwisely ...

* To move to our PAST and view our so called '' Bad experiences '' and start to learn and forgive it .... I suggest one get an experienced '' Spiritual Counselor '' , to guide through the whole process ...

At this moment, I will the following description ... ...

Our body consists of many organs and limbs ... etc - It is like a huge ''satelite station'' .... It sends and receives signals and information .

In the station there are 2 major operators .... 1- Mind and 2- Soul .... Our quality of our life is depending on which operator is '' Incharge '' of disgesting and '' sending out'' the information ..

Most of the time our ''mind'' feel that it is stand-alone and separated from everything around it, so it must fight with others , it must prove its presence , it must keep something to itself , it is always '' Hungry '' and will never satisfy ..... most of the time people called it the EGO ...
and most of the time it bring forth wars , sadness , anger .... to us and the being around us .

But , I feel that it is not so .... all our '' Mind'' is always connected to everything around us .... we are able to sense all things ... most of the time it is called the '' Sixth sense '' ..... but bcos of its character ... it is always in a '' confused state '' . So only on and off we are able to receive signal from other beings . And sometime we even receiving the '' wrong '' signal or we decode it '' wrongly ...''

From time to time we will hear people saying ... we got to have a STRONG mind !!! '' ... What is that ?

To me , it means a CLEAR mind , not confused in the PAST ... not WORRYING about the FUTURE ... able to be '' STILL'' , living in the '' NOW'' and always being led or always working '' hand in hand with the SOUL ...

What is SOUL ?

We called it in a lot of different names ... Spirit ... deep inner self .. angle within us ... Holy Ghost .... ..... our true ENERGY ... ...

What is it name ... is not so important .. Where it directs us , is our main concern . It will always points us to the direction of PEACE , LOVE and JOY ..

LOVE - what I mean is unconditional LOVE .... a lot of time we called TRUE LOVE ... All ''GREAT spiritual teachers'' talked about it , but most of us can't really feel it , give it and have it , bcos most of the time we are being guided and led by our EGO mind ...

TRUE LOVE is from the energy of our so called ''SOURCE'' .... Energy that give life to everything , and make all nature serve us without asking anything in return ...

LOVE is Forgiving ... LOVE is for - giving ...