Sunday, November 30, 2008

Is always the same ...why worry ?

I was away for a short while , and during those time alone I did realize and learned a lot from the quiet momemt ...

Part 1 - Is always the same ..... why worry ?

2 elderly persons were talking , " A " told " B " how worried she was when she watched the news , that the world is in a mess ....

" B " smiled and answered , " I have been living for almost 80 years and the world was always like that , sometime war ... sometime diseases ... sometime economic down fall ... sometime terrorists will do something .... Nothing different .. is always the same old things ... is normal ... why worry ?

Part 2 - Why focus on those things which are not nice ? ..

I love to take picture , and I take almost anything that I come across... one day as I was taking the picture of a dirty drain behind a very nice shopping mall .. An elder lady stopped , looked and said this ... " I always saw people taking only nice pictures and photo ... I never seen people taking picture at that kind of things ... and I don't think it is nice .....

Yes ... I have only one shot at a time .... one focus , one click and the image stays forever .... why am I focusing and want to leave the image which is not nice in the space called " Forever " ? ....

Conclusion of my realization ..

There are always things happening around us .... good and not so good ... never change , always happening ... and there is what human called " NORMAL " ... why wasting our precious time worrying on the " NORMAL " stuff ???

Most of the situation are 2 sided , we will always have the choice to choose what we want to focus , see and remember - why not choose the beautiful side of it and empower ourselves ?
Take good care of what we are thinking ... because when we focus on it , it will expand ... and will grow ....


Cherish it when you have it...

There are unique rules running in this universe .... if you know them and apply them well , life will start to improve every single moment ...

1 . Cherish what you have and give positive energy to it . - Joy , Love and always give thanks with a grateful heart .

2. NEVER NEVER NEVER .... apply negative energy in the situation you want to improve .

If you wish the opposite to happen , do it the other way round soon you will see the effect too ...

YES !! Apply the rules even the present circumstance is not so nice ... - the rules of the universe will start to transform your experience and very wonderful things will be happening soon .

Look at your surrounding and notice the bright side of it , apply the positive energy to it and wait for miracle to happen .

If you really realise what you are now - a '' spiritual being '' you should know our unique abilites . That is , we see our future through our mind and our faith and positive energy make it real ...

..... ....... ...... watch out what you really wish for and focus on with constant energy applying to it .... .... because it will grow .

All is well ... ... Live with PASSION !!

Monday, November 17, 2008

Taking control part 2

We are living in this unique place call EARTH ..... the reason we are here is to learn the subjects we have chosen before we were borned.. All things is planned and to a certain extent , " set up " before we were here ... thats why we come here with " NO THING " and will leave with " NO THING " ... ..... we only bring away - Wisdom of our experiences ..

Just like you booked a fully planned and fully paid with all facilities oversea tour trip , you just need to be there and everything will be taken care of , to make sure you enjoy the experience of the trip ...

I don't mean you can simply run around naked and sit there do nothing .... I mean you just need to be relax , do things with joy , love and peace , have faith and the best for you will be with you on the right time ... is like how our heart and lung do their job .... we just need to do our simple tasks - rest , eat , exercise then be happy and they will simply do the rest for us ..

Some people who are close to me will understand and witnessed what I mean ... or maybe you also had experienced " THE MAGIC MOMENT '' ... we certainly are able to create it again ...

READ and UNDERSTAND the following properly , because that will change your life totally from the moment you start to practice it....

There is a chef who is making a dish , he use ingredients like red and green pepper , pepper powder , mini chillies , curry powder ....... what will be the taste of the dish at the end ?

Another dish the ingredients - he adds - honey , sugar , sweet potatoes .... what will the taste of the dish be ????

If the intention of the chef is to make a sweet dish but he keeps adding hot spicy ingredients .... do you think the dish will turn out to be sweet ???

We are the chef , the ingredients are the ways we treat , feel , think , act , be and lead our every moment " NOW '' and the dish is our " FUTURE " .... .... you can get the magic in it ???

LOVE , PEACE and JOY be with you always . ALL IS WELL .... ALL IS WELL ...

Sunday, November 16, 2008

Thank you for raising me up ...

Life is great with people who rise you up and make you learn ..... They may not be just your school teachers ...may not be just your family members ..... may not be just your close one .... THEY ARE EVERY WHERE .....

When the student is ready the teachers will appear ... and will appear in every forms at every where every second ....

Everyone in my life is my great teacher ... they taught me all the things I know and all things that I need to understand .... They make me grow wiser and stronger ....

I may once consider them " bad " .... or " naughty " .... but they actually are in my teachers group who assisted me in learning my life path ...

If you are reading this chapter of my blog now ... THANK YOU !!! YOU ARE ONE OF MY TEACHERS AND YOU RISE ME UP !!!!! THANK YOU !!!!

Train to fight !!! Fight to win yourself and your EGO !!!!

After training in more than 6 different forms of Martial Art for more than 22 years , I was frequently asked about this question - Do you think you can defeat so and so from where and where ????

My answer is - If a Martial Artist only thinks about fighting so and so to win , then most probably he is a person who lose the most ......

The true purpose of Martial Art is not for defeating anyone out there .... but to win the only one within YOU !!!! Your EGO !!!!

Everyone know how to swing punches and kicks to hurt someone ...... everyone knows how to fight ... even a stray animal knows how to do it ... you don't need to look for a Sifu to teach you .....

You can't win by returning a fist from a fist .... that will only cause more hurt and hatred .....

When in a sparring session - when you can win , don't hurt your friend , when you can't win , admit it and train harder , learn from the better one .... you can try hard , but don't let your EGO takes you over ...

A True Martial Artist build their character , train up their body , mind and spirit to be a good person in life , they never win by hurting someone weaker than him .... never win by losing their temper and they will never let EGO take over their mind ....

The only person that you want to win is YOU !!!!! YOUR EGO !!!!!

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Be smart .... RUN !!!

For Personal Protection matters : Always run to take cover when you don't feel safe .... engagement and confrontation is always the last option ...

1. Be smart and proactive

2. Think and act safely

3. Run !!! and Always scream for HELP !!!!! or FIRE !!!!

If a confrontation is a MUST ..... Be smart and STRIKE DEADLY ... and RUN !!!!

CUT off the C 4 ( Critical 4 ) of the attacker





Take good care and defend your C4 at the same time ...

Be smart ... learn self defence when you don't need it .

What are you focusing in your mind ??

Average human being can have more than 30,000 thoughts a daily ...

What a person focus constantly is what he is attracting .. Then we really got to check and think our thoughts properly ...

A lot of people were being brought up in a critical and abusive environment .... so most of the mind is being conditioned to think and feel that we are not good enough ... we are not worthy for anything good ...

Normally a mind conditioned in this manner will be thinking negative thoughts most of the time .. WHAT YOU FOCUS IS WHAT WILL EXPAND !!!

Don't blame our parents , because they too were brought up in this manner ... that was their best way to treat and educate their children ...

To make sure that we don't pass down those manner of coaching , we got to claim back our power .... notice and realize that we are adult now and the control is within us , WE GOT TO RE-COACH OURSELVE in a loving and encouraging way ..

Learn from the past and just let it PASS !!!!

No matter what other people think and say about you is NOT IMPORTANT at all !!! You MUST NEVER CRITICISE and LOOK DOWN upon youself ....

Our mind can only able to focus on single side at a time .... Let it be the POSITIVE side ...

Live a lovely life every second ...

Monday, November 10, 2008

Take control ...

" Taking control " ... what does it really mean in this place we called EARTH ...

Can we really so called CONTROL something here ? Think again ? How we ended up here ? How are we being formed ?

What is happening to all those things when human is trying to get control turning into ... ?

What is true '' CONTROL " ?

Who is doing it ?

How to do it well ? ...

In order to understand the true meaning .... check on this

1. How human body is being formed ?

2. How the human heart beats ?

3. How a human breathe ? ....

Once you understand it .... you will find the true meaning of living a human life .... and know the true meaning of '' CONTROL " ...

Email me at : or post your answer to my comment box ...

We can live the life in heaven , even we are in this place we called EARTH ...

Sunday, November 9, 2008

Body fat control ...

Fat is a protective layer in the body to keep us safe and warm ...

Everybody need it ... It is just like the " bullet proof vest " of a special force member ...

When I was in the SF , we do have certain types of bullet vest ... different level for resistance to different calible of bullets and firearms ..

If there is an operation to arrest a gun man with a small hand gun and you see a member wearing a vest to resist a powerful machine gun ... What does it tells you about the inner world of that person ?

Does he feel safe ? Does he feel strong ? Does he has fear ? Does he have faith ? How he feels about the surrounding and friends around him ?

Only ourselve can really give faith and calmness to our own ... Look within us ... what caused this to happened ? Why we still hold on to the past and living it ? Does it really serve us well ? When do you intend to let it rest ?

Overloading ourselve .... what are the reasons behind it ? To scare people off ? To tell people we are scared ? To make us walk slowly and safely ? To make us not walking ? ... To stop us from moving on ? ...

Is ok to gain some weight ... but if the body starts to grow thicker without control ... that may not be healthy ....

The short term solution is to go on diet ... exercise plan ..... go gym ... get trainer .... .... but if the mind and spirit never move out from the " scary past" .... the problem will still return ...

In order to do the true healing ... one got to start healing from deep within .

Understand and know what you are learning

Martial Art , should be a complete system in combat .

Ranging from all strikes , throws , take down , sweeps , locks and all form of control and restrain techniques .

From standing to on the ground . From armed to unarmed .. From training of the body to the mind and the spirit ... It teaches the people to keep peace and love one another .

Now , human split it into different chapters and forms for different purposes ...

1 . For appreciation
2. For demonstration
3. For sport and competition
4. For keeping fit
5. For self defence ...

Sometime certain trainers able to provide the training system and methods to fulfill certain above mentioned pointers ...

Check and review your purpose of training the type of art that you are practicing now .... does it really serve you .... ?

Thursday, November 6, 2008

Train smart ... Gossip less ...

Martial art world is a small circle ....

It is supposed to be a place to practice respect , discipline , team work and love ... To improve one's mind , body and spirit .....

But due to the ego of human ... they started to fight and compete against one another .... and turn that world in an another place without peace ....

Lots of time , even the same organization can't maintain the harmony among themselves ... how are them able to command respect of others ....

We as coaches of the Art need to uphold the image and give the true meaning and purpose back to the Art itself ....


Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Good deed with no good return .....

Some people keep saying " Good things will happen if you do good deeds '' ...Some people say " Good person will not have good ending '' ..... ....

What a person belief become reality in his own world ....

Whatever thoughts in the mind will send out energy that attract the circumstances with the similar energy to your life ....

When a person do good things .... what is the actual thoughts in mind ?

Certain people do good with a sincere and cheerful heart ...

Certain people do good to wait for a favour in return ...

Certain people feel that they are being " forced " to do good ...

The energy that presence in the mind will attract and send to you what is in it ....

Do good with a sincere and cheerful heart ...

Monday, November 3, 2008

Law Of Attraction

Law Of Attraction ...

What is it ?

How to make it work for us ?

Why sometime it don't really work so well ?

..... ..... Human being ..... what is it ? How we control ourselves ?

My previous posting did touch on the subject ..

Our thoughts create our experience ... and our experience can affect our thoughts ....( they are connected and affecting one another like a circle ).. and that form our destiny .

So through proper Spiritual counseling , one can reach out into his own mind , to "relearn" the past experiences and get the true wisdom from it.

When our mind is wise and clear , we will be able the see things around us differently ..
Even without Spiritual Counseling , one still can calm down the mind by practicing LOVE and FORGIVENESS ... that not just applying to the things outside and around us , we got to do it to ourselves and within ourselves ....
Our spirit can assist us to work with our mind , in order to let us " think right " ... Thoughts from the mind is a form of energy , - energy is a form of " vibration " ....

" Garbage in .... will only make garbage out ...." ....

Stable mind - will give out stable thoughts - which attracts stable experience ....
Unstable mind - will give out unstable thoughts - which attracts unstable experience ...

What is your mind thinking ? What energy are you sending out ? What are you experiencing now ...? .... They are all connected .

Choose what you think wisely ;)

Saturday, November 1, 2008

Martial Art .....

Martial Art .....

To me :

Martial - connected with fighting or war ....

Art - the use of imagination to express ideas or feeling ....

Skill , tactics and techniques use in combat .... in real combat situation everything is applicable . From all sorts of strikes , throws , take down , sweeps ... joint locks , armed and unarmed , from standing to ground work ..... is a skill of survival during engagement in a combat situation ... it suppose to be formless ....

It suppose to educate human in self defence , self defence not just in physical , but mental and spiritual .....

But due to human's ego and thinking that everyone must have their own identity ... they split it up .... ... and called it many different names .... and start to fight against one another .... Even when they are in the so called "same name "... people still fight among themselves .....

Hope that one day human will give the MARTIAL ART it's TRUE MEANING ....

Karma ....

Is Karma " transferrable " ?

If a person found himself in bad luck and he went through a ritual to clear it away , will the bad luck transfer to his close family ?

To me ....

'' Karma '' is the gulit feeling and the punishment one giving to himself when he believed that he did something bad ..

Is like the '' back pack '' he choose to leave it up .... and only himself can make that decision to put it down .... no one can take it away from him ....

And when he put it down , it will not pass to any other person ...

BUT ...... You live in the world that you created through your belief .... whatever you belief will turn into reality in your own eyes ...

* Choose your belief carefully ....