We are living in this unique place call EARTH ..... the reason we are here is to learn the subjects we have chosen before we were borned.. All things is planned and to a certain extent , " set up " before we were here ... thats why we come here with " NO THING " and will leave with " NO THING " ... ..... we only bring away - Wisdom of our experiences ..
Just like you booked a fully planned and fully paid with all facilities oversea tour trip , you just need to be there and everything will be taken care of , to make sure you enjoy the experience of the trip ...
I don't mean you can simply run around naked and sit there do nothing .... I mean you just need to be relax , do things with joy , love and peace , have faith and the best for you will be with you on the right time ... is like how our heart and lung do their job .... we just need to do our simple tasks - rest , eat , exercise then be happy and they will simply do the rest for us ..
Some people who are close to me will understand and witnessed what I mean ... or maybe you also had experienced " THE MAGIC MOMENT '' ... we certainly are able to create it again ...
READ and UNDERSTAND the following properly , because that will change your life totally from the moment you start to practice it....
There is a chef who is making a dish , he use ingredients like red and green pepper , pepper powder , mini chillies , curry powder ....... what will be the taste of the dish at the end ?
Another dish the ingredients - he adds - honey , sugar , sweet potatoes .... what will the taste of the dish be ????
If the intention of the chef is to make a sweet dish but he keeps adding hot spicy ingredients .... do you think the dish will turn out to be sweet ???
We are the chef , the ingredients are the ways we treat , feel , think , act , be and lead our every moment " NOW '' and the dish is our " FUTURE " .... .... you can get the magic in it ???
LOVE , PEACE and JOY be with you always . ALL IS WELL .... ALL IS WELL ...
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