There are unique rules running in this universe .... if you know them and apply them well , life will start to improve every single moment ...
1 . Cherish what you have and give positive energy to it . - Joy , Love and always give thanks with a grateful heart .
2. NEVER NEVER NEVER .... apply negative energy in the situation you want to improve .
If you wish the opposite to happen , do it the other way round soon you will see the effect too ...
YES !! Apply the rules even the present circumstance is not so nice ... - the rules of the universe will start to transform your experience and very wonderful things will be happening soon .
Look at your surrounding and notice the bright side of it , apply the positive energy to it and wait for miracle to happen .
If you really realise what you are now - a '' spiritual being '' you should know our unique abilites . That is , we see our future through our mind and our faith and positive energy make it real ...
..... ....... ...... watch out what you really wish for and focus on with constant energy applying to it .... .... because it will grow .
All is well ... ... Live with PASSION !!
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