Martial Art .....
To me :
Martial - connected with fighting or war ....
Art - the use of imagination to express ideas or feeling ....
Skill , tactics and techniques use in combat .... in real combat situation everything is applicable . From all sorts of strikes , throws , take down , sweeps ... joint locks , armed and unarmed , from standing to ground work ..... is a skill of survival during engagement in a combat situation ... it suppose to be formless ....
It suppose to educate human in self defence , self defence not just in physical , but mental and spiritual .....
But due to human's ego and thinking that everyone must have their own identity ... they split it up .... ... and called it many different names .... and start to fight against one another .... Even when they are in the so called "same name "... people still fight among themselves .....
Hope that one day human will give the MARTIAL ART it's TRUE MEANING ....
To me :
Martial - connected with fighting or war ....
Art - the use of imagination to express ideas or feeling ....
Skill , tactics and techniques use in combat .... in real combat situation everything is applicable . From all sorts of strikes , throws , take down , sweeps ... joint locks , armed and unarmed , from standing to ground work ..... is a skill of survival during engagement in a combat situation ... it suppose to be formless ....
It suppose to educate human in self defence , self defence not just in physical , but mental and spiritual .....
But due to human's ego and thinking that everyone must have their own identity ... they split it up .... ... and called it many different names .... and start to fight against one another .... Even when they are in the so called "same name "... people still fight among themselves .....
Hope that one day human will give the MARTIAL ART it's TRUE MEANING ....
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